-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Masuda is known to be indecisive and have a unique fashion sense. His love for gyoza (dumplings) is well known within NEWS members. He is arguably the best dancer in NEWS, having taught band member Tegoshi Yuya how to dance when NEWS was suspended, and taught the other members dance steps to NEWS' songs after the one year suspension. Masuda is also well known for his smile.

Masuda is currently acting in a stage play, Ame no Hi no Mori no Naka (Inside a Rainy Day's Forest), his first leading role in a stage play.


maaaachuuuuu. LOL.
so kawaii!
when you really like someone,
seriously you overlook any negative traits that he might have.
thats kinda bad..

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