-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

i just had to do this before i went for an hour of Japanese revision.

My Ahyi's birthday!
I wanted to get her son to come to JP with me to go decorate a cakey for her.
On the phone,
Me: wanna go JP?
Ryan: Dont want, I just came home not long..
Me: Make a cake for your Mummy. Want?
Ryan: Make a cake for my mummy? (NOTE: he said this OUT LOUD)
okay. so, it goes on.
We went to JP.
the cake he decorated....
in my point of view, one word. HORRIBLE!
it was well written all over my face during the whole time we were there.
it was the worst cake i've ever seen in my life.
i dont ever wanna receive such a cake!
we went home.
I was expecting my ahyi to go: "AIYO! SO UGLY!!!!~~~~ "
she didnt.
she was very happy.
she loved it.
she found the cake cute.
my cousin's P3.
im a year 1 in poly.
had i set my expectations too high?
as the person was helping me pack the cake,
i walked around the store.
there were dozens of kids today! GOD. T_T lol.
most of them looked younger than my cousin,
and their cakes....
looked the same as my cousin's.
their parents...
none of them were frowning.
they were all smiles!
one family even got the lady to help take a family picture.
at that instant...
I understood!
A parent's love for a child,
crosses all boundaries,

I'm really ashamed at myself today.
I'll change the way I think.

i guess..
i've become a person who only minds about the eventual outcome,
and not the process of getting there!
i should take slower steps and take a look at the scenery sometime too..

Sorry, Ryan.
Your mummy didnt comment about the cake,
instead.. she appreciated it.
i guess.................
all adults think differently. they tend to not see the minor details uh.
p.s: even my mom said it was ugly, in front of my cous's face! >_

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