Saturday, May 15, 2010
i did the polaroid myself! ^_^ *PROUD. AHAHAHAHA! XD im so loving it....... SO! today. i have to finish, THE EYE, SLEEP&DREAMS. OH! and go through the sensations and perceptions slide. and maybe.. read the text. highligh highlight. DAMN! WHAT ABOUT MY JAPANESE HOMEWORK. >:( HMM. OKAY. KYOU WA. 1. THE EYE. 2. SENSATIONS&PERCEPTIONS. 3. JAPANESE HOMEWORK. (I LIKE!) ASHITA. 1. CONTINUE W LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT, slowly. dont stress... kowai yo. ._. 2. SLEEP&DREAMS! i know why i cant absorb during felix's lecture. his slides... black white white black black black. zzzzzzzz. so! i edited it. and made the fonts, C O L O U R F U L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YATTA! |