Wednesday, August 4, 2010
suffering from immunosupression. all this because of stress. STRESS. __ suppression of the immune response = diminished effectiveness of the immune system. when the stress repsonse is activated, the body's resources are less available for the immune system. yes, i sure hope i wont collapse, and suddenly get a panic attack later. Maladaptive behavior behavior is abnormal only when it interferes w an individual's ability to function normally in his personal life or in society. I think I'm suffering from this now. Conversion disorder (Somatoform disorders) emotional distress changed into real physical symptoms. -nausea, headaches. Maybe those that never study might ungergo Mass Hysteria? A group of people develop similar fears, delusions or physical symptoms. ALL THESE ABOVE ARE ANXIETY DISORDERS. now for MOOD DISORDERS. come to think about it.. there was a time when i really felt like that! Major Depressive Disorder. being in a bad mood for at least 2 weeks, having no interest in anything. ANYTHING. getting no pleasure in activities. sigh. OH! need to think about suicide, feeling guilty, worthless, problem with thinking, sleeping, eating, making decisions. OKAY MAYBE I WASNT REALLY SUFFERING FROM THAT DISORDER ABOVE. -.- lol. HMM. MAYBE THE ONE BELOW? Bipolar Disorder. fluctuations between episodes of mania and depression. manic episodes lasts for a week. individual is unusually cheerful and high, has high self-esteem, displays little need for sleep, pursues pleasurable activities, has racing thoughts, easily distracted, speaks rapidly & frequently. MOVING ON TO PERSONALITY DISORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Antisocial Personality Disorder. a pattern of disregard for violation of the rights and properties of others, without feeligs of guilt and remorse. dishonest, deceitful manipulation of others also characteristic of such individuals. NEXT UP! DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS~ Dissociative Amnesia. individual forgets about major events to an extent to be called normal forgetfulness. usually associated with stress and traumatic experiences. Dissociative Fugue. individual unexpectedly and suddenly travels away from home or work to a place faraway and may not remember own identity and assumes a new identity. Dissociative Identity Disorder. two or more different distinct identities-each with its own personality- within an indivdual, assumes the different identity at different times. DIFFERENT FROM SCHIZOPHRENIA!!!!!!!! Schizophrenia. disorganized speech, behavior, decreased emotional behavior, hallucinations. difference with Dissociative Identity Disorder: something like.. they hear voices talking to them, BUT NOT ASSUMING DIFFERENT IDENTTTIES! TYPE 1 OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS. NO LOSS OF NORMAL FUNCTIONING YET. JUST DISTORTIONS OF THOUGHTS. THE POSITIVE SYMPTOMS GROUP. responds well to medication, good chance of recovery. TYPE 2 OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS. LOSS OF NORMAL FUNCTIONING....... DULLED EMOTIONS & DONT WANNA SPEAK. THE NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS GROUP. doesnt respond well to medication, low chance of recovery. THIS IS ALL I'VE COVERED FOR ABNORMAL PSY. HOPE I WONT BE LATE FOR SCHOOL. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. SWALLOW SALIVA V PAIN. :'( NIVLA says: WOOOO finally done!!!!!! haha crs i comfirm get B OKAY im off NOW! tata!! TTYL OOOO good luck for ur test arhh! SMILE SMILE! ALRIGHT. ENQI. BELIEVE! SMILE! ^_^ YOU CAN DE! IKUZO! YOSSHHHH!~ |