-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Friday, September 24, 2010

i love the place.
im blending in rather well.
maybe cause ive had experience in the F&B industry before.
what makes me like it way better than those sales jobs..
might be cause of the fact that its a service that im providing,
not wanting to get something out of them.
well, of course its their money the restaurant's aiming for..
but, on my part,
its only providing them my service! ^^
its nice when they return my smile.
makes my job all very the worth it.
its tiring, of course.
lovely colleagues are a bonus there.

boss: thank you for helping uh!!
me: uh, okay!!!
she's paying me!
see? this is what i call nice.
some bosses.. expect you to do triple the work when all they're giving u is a pathetic sum of money.
its really the attitude and the environment in the F&B industry ne..
although my pay's only $5/hour (yes yes yes, its soooooooo little blah blah),
but. at least, im happy.
where to get colleagues who'll keep asking you,
"Are you alright?^^"
smiling somemore lei.
of course u'll reply, alright:S!

i guess putting myself in such environments..
might really be beneficial for me in the future!
if i really wanna open a cafe.

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