-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Okay wanted to continue in Japanese, but I couldn't-..-
It's a sign. LOL.
Shall wake up t bathe, buy food, & study!!!!!!

Things I want to do during this holiday:

1. Meet andersens' aunty Annie for our sushi buffet!

2. Double date with pow & jol & dinahhh

3. Pick up my guitar again. LOL

4. Seriously, 日本語の勉強するだけだけだけ!

5. Swim at least 2 times/weeeek! 3 is a bonus. Heh

6. Go out w @AisyahSeeley! To just talk about life ^_^

7. アリヤちゃんと一緒にdateしよう(*^^*) date with alyah-chan~ (first year is coming!!!!!) 恥ずかしい 

8. Bake my dubu pan. Tofu bread. LOL I jus combined Korean and Japanese.

9. SHOPPINGGGGGG for the new sem. It's all for a better tomorrow people. Xp

10. Real run marathon w dear dear.
This will be a nice closure to the holidays. ;>

Anything else....... Hmmmz

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