-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

011011 first double date! <3
we now have an anklet each. :D
customised colors!
white- (but pow chose navy :<)
pink- (i thought alyah's color was purple?! since when changed?!)
red- jolene~
yellow- watashi desu. ^^
cute la today.
confirm got more to come, pow dont worry! >=D

im not gonna say sorry.
as much as i want,
sorry, imma leo. pride issues.
i thought a couple should be helping each other,
instead of pissing each other off?
i just dont get it.
why should i endanger my heart just because of a relationship?
lol. i dont want to die cause of an heart attack.
why am i with him?! seriously. i dont get it.

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