-Mayfish, Dance Drill.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

You don't see it, you never will.
I feel it.
Sense of worthlessness.
Sense of inferiority.
Sense of uselessness.
Low self esteem.
Nowhere near them.
Never the best, nor the lousiest.
In between.
Never noticed, never shining.
Not confident of myself.

Trying to stay strong by encouraging others, making them happy, making them believe in themselves.

But I don't believe in myself.
Honestly I don't.
I smile to make it seem like I do.
When I don't,
I smile like it's all cool and I'll try again till I succeed.

I'm tired.

When I got caught in the rain just now..
Honestly, I felt like crying.
I don't know why.
But I told myself not to.
You still have to find a way out.

Fake a smile.
It makes your day better.
Forget about smiling genuinely.
Just fake it.
But no one will ask why.

No one ever will.

Just keep smiling. :)

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